Urban Masking
Engaging with Architecture Scheme
Client: Arts Council Ireland
Team: Karsten Huneck, Bernd Truempler with Artist Sven Anderson
This collaboration between artist Sven Anderson & architects Karsten Huneck & Bernd Truempler (Office for Subversive Architecture) is exploring an urban intervention that is dealing with the theme of “masking” from architectural, urban, & aural perspectives. The research expanded during the pandemic where a physical intervention has been questioned.
Inspired by an A-Wall precast concrete element it will bring an urban intervention into our homes. Once fitted with a minuscule interactive sound computer the limited edition piece will emit specific sounds and react to live locations of the real world.
The purpose of the Engaging with Architecture Scheme is to support ambitious, innovative and creative, high-quality projects – e.g. exhibitions, events, festivals and programmes. Its aim is specifically to enhance and extend the public’s experience of, and involvement with, architecture