Kölnisch Wasser (Eau de Cologne)
Interactive Installation for plan10
Cologne / Germany 2010
osa_office for subversive architecture
Client: plan 10
Team: Anja Ohliger, Karsten Huneck, Bernd Trümpler, Tristan Calvignac ,Lucas Biberson
On the occasion of plan10, forum of contemporary architecture, a temporary water surface in front of the Schauspiel Köln had been created. The concept followed the logic of the classical motif of placing a play of water or fountain in the centre of a square which in this case became a mundane puddle.
As a new interpretation within our economical climate it not only fits into the somehow neglected appearance of the square and its surrounding elements, it also provides -en passant- a sensual experience, a moment of a new identity for the duration of the event.
20 pairs of Wellys (Rubber Boots) have been provided to invite the public to play…. which they accepted.