Schaustelle Tempelhof
Visitors Centre, Competition Shortlist
Berlin / Germany
Client: Grün Berlin
Team: Karsten Huneck, Bernd Truempler, Alice D’Andrea, Victor Du Peloux, Marcella Claps
Schaustellle Tempelhof is a proposal for an invited competition to design a visitors and information centre that accompanies the building works of new elements in the public park area of the former Tempelhof Airport.
The propsal is focusing on the use of a typical building site fence that is used to create a series of design elements by enhancing the off the shelve modular system. The centre piece is a viewing tower that is made of two shipping containers and clad with the adapted building fence system. Additionally the fence receives electricity generating wind wheels that create a branding identity which links back to the use of wind driven playobjects and sporting equipment on the wind swept former airfield.